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About Us

Kenyaweb Solutions has been in operation since early 1996, trading under the name Form-Net Africa Limited, and its subsidiaries, Web link Services Limited, Cyber.café, and Kenya online. We have established ourselves as one of the largest Internet Service Providers (ISP) and World Wide Web consultancy in Kenya. Form-Net (the precursor to Kenyaweb Solutions) was one of the first web development, intranet and internet companies in Kenya and by the late 90s had commanded a cumulative market share of about 40%. The African Almanac recognized it as one the most visible online brands.

Service Quality Statement

Kenyaweb Solutions strictly adheres to good business practices and follows all the rules and regulations as well as standards for online content publishing as stipulated by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Where applicable, Kenyaweb adheres to legislations that may govern publishing of content online, for example, the US Disabilities Act Section 508.


In addition to its Head office in Nairobi, Kenyaweb has spread its tentacles to Mombasa at New Canon Towers. Human Resource.
Kenyaweb currently has a total of 70 qualified and competent staff countrywide. Our hiring practices are on an equal opportunity basis and transparent, with the engaging of head hunters in looking for qualified staff for most positions. Minimum qualification at Kenyaweb is an undergraduate degree and a Masters is preferable for those in management.

Kenyaweb Corporate Culture

Kenyaweb has an instilled corporate culture of continuous development of our solutions to our clients. That no technology or process is ever immune to enhancements. Therefore we undertake continuous development of all our products, the focus being on technology, delivery and cost. Kenyaweb believes that clients are invaluable partners and sources of improving solutions.

Our Clients